Photographing the kids at home during Covid 19 - day eighteen

Hi there,

I had more fun playing with colour gels, this time with Saoirse taking the helm. I used three gels, blue, red and purple and used them on a mottled backdrop. In retrospect, the backdrop was not a great choice but I was looking for something that might come across grittier than a plain backdrop. Next time I will use a darker backdrop so the subject will pop out a bit more.

Still though, Saoirse and Oisin loved the shoot, which made a pleasant change!

I asked Oisin to hold a hairdryer and blast out Saoirses hair. The problem was she could not keep a straight face, so I used some sunglasses to keep the wind out of her eyes. That did the trick. In post production, I would black out the reflections in the shades because if you look closely, you can see Oisin holding the hairdryer, but todays shoot is just for fun!
