Photographing the kids at home during Covid19 - Day Nine

I wrote in my last blog that over the next few weeks I am going to try and photograph a different style of portrait every ’work’ day with the help of my two kids aged 4 & 7.  I have the time, its whether they have the ability to stand still for five minutes!

I felt really bad for posting that image of my daughter Saoirse on Friday, It was a great pic but not one her granny will like so I wanted to start this week off with an image more befitting her character..

Also, this is really simple lighting .

Hero Monday.jpg

I involves one flash and one soft box, a reflector, a white backdrop and that’s it.

It's a great example that you don’t need a lot of expensive kit to make a lovely image. 

The light is angled to a 45 degree but it is placed high and at a 45 degree angle from the camera. This allows some of the light, to light the backdrop as well as Saoirse.

It is easy to lose yourself in the lighting side of things  so simple lighting is really helpful when you are trying to photograph a four year old. There is a lot of flexibility in the space you have created and also in the exposure.

Of course, If she would have let me brushed her hair that would have helped, but you can’t have everything!