Photographing the kids at home during Covid 19 -Day Sixteen

Todays shoot we went for a more corporate style look but be careful when you use it!

This style of lighting is called broad lighting. This is when the portion of the subject's face that is turned toward the camera is lit most brightly. It supposedly broadens the face so it looks fine on my thin-as-a-stick son, but when used on my face…not so much!

Image 51.jpg

I used a soft box as a key light and another softbox to light the backdrop and the hair. As my home office is rather small, this worked in my favour as normally, I would use a third light to light the hair!

I used a black reflector to soak up any light coming in on the right. I like shadows in images, though if this was a commercial shoot, then I would have shot with a white reflector as well as a black reflector to give the choice. But when your model is getting   angsty on missing out on Puffin Rock, then you just gotta go with it!


Saoirse’s lighting is very similar. Perhaps it is a better example of broad lighting as the side of her face that is lit is turned more towards the camera.
