Photographing the kids during Covid 19 - Day Fifteen

I am aware that LinkedIn is not the place to post family portraits under normal circumstances. The main reason I am taking portraits of my kids every day is to show my clients and potential clients, the type of portraits that I can take. ( the other reason is there is no one else around I can photograph!) 

If I can shoot quality portraits in my home office, now my studio, then I can shoot them anywhere and If I can photograph my own kids then photographing  artists /  writers  / CEO’s are a piece of cake!


I decided to play with gels today. I shot with a green and an orange gel. I tried a full orange but that was way too strong for what I was looking for, so I swapped it for a quarter orange gel as the keylight on a soft box with the soft cover removed.

The green gel was attached to a spill kill. Originally I had it facing Oisin but it was a bit strong and didn’t cover the space I needed it to cover. So, I bounced it off a large silver reflector instead.

The background is a dark blue sheet that needed some light on it. I placed a soft box on a stand and hoisted it up as high as my six foot ceiling  would allow.

I found when I opened up the F-stop from 4.5 to 2.0, the colours blended a lot better, so the overall image became softer.

Oisin was not up for being photographed. We had caught a dogfish in the low tide yesterday and he was anxious to gut it and feed it to our dog. So, I got him to toss his hair a few times and this is what we came up with!
